Thursday, September 23, 2010

This is why Younguk has been losing the weight, by mowing the lawn with push mower by himself-
he has been absolutely refusing to get the rider mower because he gets to have "exercise" and lose weight.
It has been working so far because he lost almost 20 lbs
since we had closed on the house and moved, which he wanted. So, I cannot argue with that...

The Ahns from Michigan.... Always enjoy the time with them.

With Mom

Four of us (and the red balloon)

Our goofball... I definitely think that she has Younguk's personality... : )

Minzie's Favorite- Chocolate with sprinkles. If you bring one of those over,
you will be her BEST friend for the day... : )

Look at the concentration on picking out on little sprinkles

Minzie on First day of 4K


Troy + Youngin said...

Sweet! Thanks for posting the pictures. Congrats to Uk for his weight loss, too! CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU ALL!!

Angie said...

Great pictures! So glad you finally posted again!! Sounds like things are just great with you all. One of these weekends we will come see your new house, promise! Kisses and hugs to those cuties of yours. PS Target is my favorite store too and I'm sure Mallory feels the same as Minzie. :)