Sunday, December 21, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
You just can't win
My first blogging attempt
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Minah Grace Choi arrived to meet everybody
on Monday, December 15 at 1:56 PM
She weighs 9 lbs 5 oz and 19.5" long.
Younguk and I were surprised for:
1. How big she was (again!)... after our last ultra sound, the doctor told us that the baby shouldn't be no more than 8 lbs or so if I get induced earlier. What do you know!!!
2. How much she looks like Minzie when she was born. As soon as they put Minah on my tummy right after she was born, I looked at her and said, "hey! you are little Minzie!" You know what that means! She looks just like Younguk, AGAIN!
Minzie is being a wonderful big sister- so much better than we had expected and it is cute to watch her telling everyone that walks into the room to be quiet because "little Minah is sleeping".
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Nope! No baby yet!
Another hour passed. Phone rang. She told us that we don't have to call her but she would be calling us around noon to see where they are at and let us know if I could come in or not. WHAT? But I am ready to have this baby TODAY! Good thing Younguk was handling these calls because I was not a very pleasant person to be around and would definitely not had handle those calls as Younguk did. Anyway, we sat around, waited and waited. Phone rang again little bit after noon. The head nurse said that they were so busy and they didn't have even a room for me to come in today. WHAT? But I am really ready to have this baby TODAY!
So, what do I do? Can I be rescheduled for tomorrow?
"Well, I cannot promise you that either." she said. ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG! You know the breath in and breath out thing to calm you down... I learned today that it actually works. She told me to call tomorrow at 6 o'clock to see IF I could come in. And do it all over again.
So, here we are... We are still "three of us"...
Saturday, December 13, 2008
"Three of us"
I am supposed to call tomorrow morning at 6 o'clock to make sure that everything is set up for the day and need to go in by 7:30. It is exactly what we did with Minzie (calling, going in early in the bunch of things until the labor starts....) but now I know what to expect, it makes me bit nervous. I think it is better not knowing than knowing exactly what will be happening sometimes and I believe this might be one of them (just because I am terrible, I mean TERRIBLE at dealing with physical pains). I probably will be somewhere in the middle of labor while everyone else is at the Sunday morning meeting and I am pretty sure my spirit would be ALOT different than the ones at the meeting....
Couple of days ago, Younguk said how this weekend would be the last weekend for Minzie as a "only child" and three of us should do something fun and memorable before the baby gets here. What did we end up doing...? Well, my very creative husband had all these great ideas but they required too much of walking (I am in no shape of walking around these days... I would say I am just wabbling around) so we ended up having breakfast at Panera Bread as we usually do on Saturday mornings, went to Target , came home, took a nap and went to Costco to stack up on the diapers. What an exciting day!!!
We got a package from Youngin this afternoon and finally got to see a very beautiful dress that she kniteed for the baby. Thank you so very much-Cannot wait to try the dress on her. ": )
Will be back as "four of us"!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Some pictures... Yes, I found the software! : )
It started to snow last night so we decided to open up the blinds and watch the "snowman" coming down. And while we were doing that, three of us had a little cookie party in the livingroom... of course, one of us didn't get to have too many of them because two of us were hugging all the cookies....
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
"Mommy, snowman came down!"
Well, I did take pictures of Minzie playing in the snow but software for the new camera needs to be downloaded first... But before I can download it, I need to find it first... : S
Monday, December 1, 2008
13 days to go
December 14th, it is! Had an appointment this morning and told Dr. Stoffel that we have decided on the 14th to be induced for the baby #2. After the check up, Dr. Stoffel said "Baby is well on her way out." Does that mean she might come out sooner???? Anyway, I packed the bag (it has been packed for last couple of months...) Am I forgetting anything???
- baby clothes, diapers, blanket- checked
- Boppy- checked
- a book to read- checked: I should know better that I would not be able to read anything, but just incase... ha!
- bathroom stuff - checked
- Robe, slippers and stuff- checked
- car seat- checked
- camera- checked
- baby sitting arrangement for Minzie- checked
According to "the book" I should take an object to use as a focal point during labor... Younguk had a great idea of taking a very cute pair of shoes when I had Minzie. The idea behind it was that I would be able to deal with the pain, knowing that the baby (Minzie) will be wearing those cute shoes once she comes... Great idea, huh? But it wasn't that great of idea while I had to deliver almost 10 lbs baby. So, I learned from the experience. I am not taking anything this time....
Almost 12 days to go, now...